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Supervision & Continuing education

Over the course of my professional career, the following areas of focus have emerged in my work:

Digital competency-oriented teaching and learning

I have been involved in (digital) teaching and learning at university level for more than ten years. Here in particular with (digital) competency-oriented testing, blended learning concepts and flexible study formats. Didactics appropriate to the target group and a learner-oriented teaching/learning attitude are further focal points. I was able to carry out some further training and workshops on these topics in Swiss vocational schools and was occasionally involved in the KV reform.

Coaching and supervision

With a master's degree in coaching, a focus has emerged that is reflected in various activities.

In my research work, I deal with coaching and supervision as a vessel for lecturers at the University of Education.

Further training often involves a coaching attitude in the sense of a learner-oriented perspective.

I am available as a coach and supervisor for social and educational institutions. With my professional background as an educator (child care specialist) and social worker, I have the appropriate field skills in working with children, young people, people with cognitive disabilities and in adult education. 


In my research activities, I deal with (digital) competency-oriented testing, coaching in university didactics and university didactics as a discipline. You can find a list of publications on my profile page.

My training activities


Lecture "Constructive Alignment for competence-oriented testing" for the commercial vocational schools of Central Switzerland (KV Reform) at the Vocational Training Center for Business, IT and Technology Sursee on 05.11.2022


Workshop "Competence-oriented testing" for the Lucerne Education Center (BZLU) on 18.08.2022


Further training "Problem Based Learning" for the commercial-industrial education center Zug in January and March 2022


3-day training course "Competence-oriented teaching" from November 2021 to August 2022 for the Baselland Vocational Training Center on behalf of SFIVET (held twice)


Lecture "Influence of teaching attitude on competence-oriented teaching" on November 2021 at the Technical College Zurich


"Blended learning" workshop at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in May 2021


Lecture "Flipped Classroom" on November 12, 2020 for the Conference of Higher Vocational Education and Training (HBB Lucerne) and on December 9, 2020 for the Higher Vocational Schools of the Canton of Bern (hfBern)


Lecturer in the CAS ICT ID of the Lucerne University of Teacher Education on the topics: Competence orientation, didactic coherence, impact model, evaluation, assessment (since 2020)


Course leader in the CAS University Teaching at the University of Bern on the topic of "Educational evaluation - targeted and practical" (since 2017) 

Module leader "Quality Perspectives in Education" as part of the "Certificate of Advanced Studies - Leadership in Projects and Study Programs at Universities" at the Zurich University of Teacher Education (2017 - 2019)





Mentor in the Education and Science Management degree program at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in the module "Higher Education Systems and Policies in the European Higher Education Area" in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Teichler (2013 - 2021)


Lecture and workshop leader "Successful and active teaching and learning" at the 5th Language Conference of the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training and the Swiss Center for Secondary Education with the topic "Ready to flip? L'approche active in language teaching-ma certo!" 2017 in Bern


Lecture "What hinders competence-oriented testing at universities!" Lecture at the 46th DGHD Annual Conference 2017 with the topic "Principle of university development - university didactics between profile building and value issues" at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences


Lecture "The examination as the linchpin of (student) learning." as part of the DGFW annual conference 2015 "Teaching/learning arrangements in academic continuing education - challenges and success factors for effective didactics", Freiburg i. Br. 

Lecturer for the modules "Self-Management" and "Scientific Work" at the Technical University of Ingolstadt for the part-time study program B.A. Management in Health Professions (2012-2016)





Workshops for volunteers on the topics of supervisory duties, project organization, leadership and group dynamics, including for the Association of Free Evangelical Churches in Germany and the German Child Protection Association (2005 - 2012)

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© 2019 by Dr. Sabrina Gallner 

Online - Luzern - Schweiz

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